失われた古墳と文化財保存運動 一赤松コレクションの古墳群出土の資料群を取り上げて一
Destroyed Tumuli and Cultural Property Conservation Movement -Taking up the Materials excavated from the Tumuli oluster of the Akamatsu collection-
阿部 功
( ABE Isao )
山本 雅和
( YAMAMOTO Masakazu )
Introducing a group of materials from late Kofun period, which were preserved by researchers in the field such as Keisuke Akamatsu, who took a strict approach from the viewpoint of preserving cultural properties against the strong promotion of development activities in Showa 30's. It is a group of excavated materials of Uchikami tumuli cluster in
Sanda city, Yakeyama tumuli cluster in Ono city, and Takagi tumuli cluster in Miki city. Although the structure of the tumulus itself cannot be verified at this time, the actual condition and characteristics of each tumuli cluster will be clarified by analyzing a large amount of excavated materials.
Introducing a group of materials from late Kofun period, which were preserved by researchers in the field such as Keisuke Akamatsu, who took a strict approach from the viewpoint of preserving cultural properties against the strong promotion of development activities in Showa 30's. It is a group of excavated materials of Uchikami tumuli cluster in
Sanda city, Yakeyama tumuli cluster in Ono city, and Takagi tumuli cluster in Miki city. Although the structure of the tumulus itself cannot be verified at this time, the actual condition and characteristics of each tumuli cluster will be clarified by analyzing a large amount of excavated materials.
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