奈良文化財研究所 ホーム
report count (with pdf)
39918 reports
( Participation 742 Orgs )
report count
132079 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 1108 reports )
( Participation 1912 Orgs )
site summary count
147018 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 1684 reports )
Article Collected
120079 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 1025 reports )
video count
1258 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 69 reports )
( Participation 113 Orgs )
Event Collected
1147 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 95 reports )

Public Archaeology in Yamada Bay Area and the Study of Jomon Sanriku Tunamis

SAITO Mizuho ( 齋藤 瑞穂 ) IGARASHI Satoe ( 五十嵐 聡江 ) TAKUMA Kiyokuni ( 宅間 清公 ) YASUI Ken’ichi ( 安井 健一 ) SUZUKI Masahiro ( 鈴木 正博 ) SAITO Hiromichi ( 齋藤 弘道 )
 We will present the new prospect we have encountered in our interactions with the people of Yamada Town, Iwate Prefecture, since the Great East Japan Earthquake. In this presentation, we will narrow down the archaeological chronology of tsunamis that occurred during the Jomon period and show how humans responded during that time. The tsunamis occurred 3times in Daigi 8-9 intermediate stage, the Middle Jomon Period, Sakiyama-Benten 1st stage and Hamakawame-Sawada stage, the Late Jomon Period.
Prefecture : Iwate Prefecture Other
Age 縄文
文化財種別 考古資料 文化的景観
遺跡種別 集落 貝塚
遺物(材質分類) 土器 自然物 その他
Related Url :
Created Date : 2022-09-26
wikipedia 出典テンプレート : {{Citation ... 開く
wikipedia 出典テンプレート : {{Citation|first=瑞穂|last=齋藤|first2=聡江|last2=五十嵐 |first3=清公|last3=宅間 |first4=健一|last4=安井 |first5=正博|last5=鈴木 |first6=弘道|last6=齋藤 |contribution=陸中・山田湾におけるパブリック・アーケオロジーの実践と縄文三陸津波研究|title=第1回 日本災害・防災考古学会 研究会資料・予稿集|date=2022-09-22|url=https://sitereports.nabunken.go.jp/129910|doi=10.24484/sitereports.129910}} 閉じる

この論文は下の刊行物の 67 - 72 ページ に掲載されています。
