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Arima as the Stage of Medieval Conflict, with a Focus on Ochibayama Castle

Miyoshi Shun ( 三好 俊 )

Arima, which is located in Kita Ward of the city of Kobe, is one of Japan's leading hot spring resorts, with a long history. The main phase of its development occurred during the Middle Ages, peaking alter it came under the control of Toyotomi Hideyoshi during the second half of the sixteenth century. However, Arima was at the center of disputes during the period of its development as a spa area. One of the scenes of these disputes was Ochibayama Castle, only the ruins of which remain. Historical documents, though limited, also reveal that Ochibayama Castle was the scene of conflict. There is evidence of a battle that occurred in the first half of the sixteenth century when Miyoshi Sosan was the castle's owner. This battle was fought by forces based in Settsu and Harima. After Miyoshi Sosan's departure, Ochibayama Castle came under the control of the Arima family and was no longer an important base. Ochibayama Castle was kept in a state of readiness for the invasion of Oda Nobunaga, but Arima and neighboring areas were decimated and Ochibayama Castle was abandoned. Arima's history can be deciphered by consulting ancient historical documents and records and by examining the geographical features of the Edo period. I believe that a wider range of historical images can be retrieved through an analysis that is not confined to Arima's development as a hot spring resort.
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Created Date : 2021-11-25
wikipedia 出典テンプレート : {{Citation ... 開く
wikipedia 出典テンプレート : {{Citation|first=俊|last=三好|contribution=中世争乱の舞台としての有馬ー落葉山城を中心にー|title=神戸市立博物館研究紀要|date=2018-03-31|url=https://sitereports.nabunken.go.jp/114990|ncid=AN10177091|volume=34}} 閉じる

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