奈良文化財研究所 ホーム
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132562 reports
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1314 reports
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( Participation 118 Orgs )
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1263 reports
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A Polished Stone Axe Surface Collected at the Shinzato Site in Motobu Town

Ohhori Kohei ( 大堀 皓平 ) Zukeran Chojun ( 瑞慶覧 長順 )
This paper reports a stone axe found during surface survey at the Shinzato site in Motobu Town. It is identified as an axe because the blade has an asymmetrical edge and use-wear damage consisting of diagonal lines. The axe is made of green schist and is elaborately polished. When the axe is compared with other polished stone axes, it is similar to axes that are classified as “refined”. It is further classified into the corner square tubular-shaped type. This is one of types in the refined stone axe style. A chip off at the base might have been produced as a result of its use or it might imply that the axe was in the process of morphological modification from a refined form to a crudely made form. At the present time. we do not have enough data to examine these suggestions.
We think it is urgent to establish a stone tool typology, including axes, for the Ryukyu archipelago. We also suggest that it is necessary to conduct field research, reexamine previously excavated stone tools, and compare data obtained from other regions. We also insist that it is important to adopt analytical methods developed in other parts of Japan.
Prefecture : Okinawa Prefecture
文化財種別 考古資料
遺物(材質分類) 石器
学問種別 考古学
テーマ 資料紹介
Related Url :
Created Date : 2021-03-15
wikipedia 出典テンプレート : {{Citation ... 開く
wikipedia 出典テンプレート : {{Citation|first=皓平|last=大堀|first2=長順|last2=瑞慶覧|contribution=本部町新里遺跡表採の磨製石斧|title=紀要沖縄埋文研究|date=2009-03-31|url=https://sitereports.nabunken.go.jp/22224|location=沖縄県中頭郡西原町字上原193-7|ncid=AA11905057|doi=10.24484/sitereports.22224|volume=6}} 閉じる

この論文は下の刊行物の 53 - 62 ページ に掲載されています。
