奈良文化財研究所 ホーム
report count (with pdf)
41490 reports
( Participation 759 Orgs )
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132564 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 1890 reports )
( Participation 1918 Orgs )
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147728 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 2286 reports )
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120647 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 1654 reports )
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1314 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 130 reports )
( Participation 118 Orgs )
Event Collected
1263 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 214 reports )

The Utilization of Stone Materials in the Phase of the Tsumegatamon-style Pottery - Redefinition and Evaluation of the Noguni-type Stone Adze -
爪形文土器段階における石材運用 -野国タイプ型石斧の再定義と評価を中心に-

OHORI Kohei ( 大堀 皓平 )
In the paper I study stone tool industries in the phase of the Tsumegatamon-style pottery. It has been considered that these assemblage has a distinctive characteristic that is different from the counterparts in other periods. Especially, edge-polished stone adze in the assemblages shows characteristic designs and distinctive manufacturing technique. Then I tentatively define it as the "Noguni-type stone adze".
 In this phase, these was a variety of the assemblages in the light of presence and absence of the Noguni-type stone adze and chart materials. This implies that the people used a variety of localities for procuring raw stone materials. The industries in the phase of the Tsumegatamon style pottery were characterized by the distinctive ways of procuring and reduction of stone materials. Because of the peculiarities in the industries during this period, I tentaivety define it as the "Pre-Ryukyu Jomon style industry", and point out the possibility that this tradition was not succeeded by the following "Ryukyu Jomon style industries".
Prefecture : Okinawa Prefecture
文化財種別 考古資料
史跡・遺跡種別 集落 貝塚
遺物(材質分類) 石器
学問種別 考古学
Related Url :
Created Date : 2021-06-16
wikipedia 出典テンプレート : {{Citation ... 開く
wikipedia 出典テンプレート : {{Citation|first=皓平|last=大堀|contribution=爪形文土器段階における石材運用 -野国タイプ型石斧の再定義と評価を中心に-|title=紀要沖縄埋文研究|date=2012-03-30|url=https://sitereports.nabunken.go.jp/22249|location=沖縄県中頭郡西原町字上原193-7|ncid=AA11905057|doi=10.24484/sitereports.22249|volume=7}} 閉じる

この論文は下の刊行物の 15 - 27 ページ に掲載されています。
