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Study on the History of the Restoration, the Current Condition, and the Interpretation on the Representation of ‟Portrait of St. Francis Xavier” in the Kobe City Museum

TSUKAHARA Akira ( 塚原 晃 )
イエズス会の創設会員で、アジアでの宣教活動、特に日本に初めてキリスト教を伝導したことで知られる聖フランシスコ・ザビエル (1506-52) は、16世紀終わりからその伝記がヨーロッパ中に広まり、1622年に聖人に列せられたことを期に、禁教下の日本でもその礼拝画制作の機運が高まった。現在神戸市立博物館が所蔵する「聖フランシスコ・ザビエル像」もそのような作品のひとつと推測される。

Francis Xavier (1506 - 1552) is a founding member of the Jesuits and is known for conducting missionary work in Asia, especially for the first time to conduct Christianity in Japan.
Xavier's biography spread throughout Europe from the end of the 16th century, and he was canonized by Pope Gregory XV in 1622. The momentum of making Xavier's worship painting increased in Japan under the edicts banning Christianity. ‟Portrait of St.Francis Xavier” which the Kobe City Museum currently owns is presumed to be one of such works.
Then, what does this Xavier's portrait express? Various theories have been presented so far. Before reconsidering this in this article, it will summarize the history of repair, and the situation of surface layer of this painting from the discovery in 1920 to the present day. Except for a small part of this image, it is proven that no major modifications that would affect the expression interpretation were made.
Based on these facts, This portrait has some remarkable things such as angels, Crucifixion, and his burning heart from the beginning of drawing.
According to the notation of books on Xavier written by Horatius Tursellinus which spread the biographies and images of Xavier all over the world, and Papal bull for the canonization to Xavier in 1622, Francis Xavier often tried to face the overwhelming God's love in his heroic prayer, and his heart grew hot as if it was burning, and he had no choice but to scream ‟Satis est, Domine, satis est (It's enough, Lord, it's enough)”.
As to the expression content of this Xavier's portrait, taking into account the graphical features of Flemish print works from the end of the 16th century to the early 17th century, his crossing hands and Crucifixion symbolize his prayer, and angels in the sky imply the existence of the God or intense holly joys.
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Created Date : 2021-11-25
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wikipedia 出典テンプレート : {{Citation|first=晃|last=塚原|contribution=神戸市立博物館所蔵「聖フランシスコ・ザビエル像」の保存状態と表現解釈|title=神戸市立博物館研究紀要|date=2019-03-31|url=https://sitereports.nabunken.go.jp/114991|ncid=AN10177091|doi=10.24484/sitereports.114991|volume=35}} 閉じる

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