〈修理報告〉重要文化財 絹本著色織田信長像
Restoration Report on the Portrait of Oda Nobunaga designated as lmportant Cultural Property
石沢 俊
( Ishizawa Shun )
近年当館が実施した重要文化財 絹本著色織田信長像 (天正11年賛) の解体修理報告。当館の資料保存の取り組みとして、本修理の概要とそこで得られた知見の報告を目的としている。解体修理で得られた知見は大きく二つある。ひとつは裏彩色がよく残っていた上、表裏を同系色で塗り分けていたことが判明した。さらに、表面の汚れ除去によって、束帯の木瓜紋が明瞭となった。本図は後世の修理で上畳などに補筆が認められるが、京都・大雲院本との比較から制作当初はより装飾が施されていた可能性がある。歿後間もない遺像として、本図が信長像のひとつの規範となった可能性を指摘し、さらなる考察の端緒とするものである。
The Portrait of Oda Nobunaga (dated to 1583), which is designated as Important Cultural Property, was recently restored by the Kobe City Museum. This report outlines the restoration process and presents observations relating to the preservation of this work. The first observation relates to the use of Ura-zaishiki (reverse coloring) in the painting. The colors that were applied on the reverse side of the silk have been well preserved and have not faded. In addition, the portrait was painted using the same color types on the front and the back. Second, after the painting had been cleaned, the Mokko-mon (the Oda family's crest) on the Sokutai (full traditional ceremonial court dress) was clearly visible. Brushwork was applied to restore damaged parts of the painting. Compared with the other portrait of Nobunaga Taiun-in, Kyoto, owned, the portrait of Nobunaga in Kobe may originally have been more decorative. As suggested in this report, which presents the first findings of ongoing research on the portraits of Nobunaga, it is possible that the memorial portrait in Kobe is part of a canon of portraits of Nobunaga.
The Portrait of Oda Nobunaga (dated to 1583), which is designated as Important Cultural Property, was recently restored by the Kobe City Museum. This report outlines the restoration process and presents observations relating to the preservation of this work. The first observation relates to the use of Ura-zaishiki (reverse coloring) in the painting. The colors that were applied on the reverse side of the silk have been well preserved and have not faded. In addition, the portrait was painted using the same color types on the front and the back. Second, after the painting had been cleaned, the Mokko-mon (the Oda family's crest) on the Sokutai (full traditional ceremonial court dress) was clearly visible. Brushwork was applied to restore damaged parts of the painting. Compared with the other portrait of Nobunaga Taiun-in, Kyoto, owned, the portrait of Nobunaga in Kobe may originally have been more decorative. As suggested in this report, which presents the first findings of ongoing research on the portraits of Nobunaga, it is possible that the memorial portrait in Kobe is part of a canon of portraits of Nobunaga.
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