{ URL : "https://sitereports.nabunken.go.jp/45581", title : "斉頼塚古墳", transcription : "しょうらいづかこふん", Subtitle : "Shoraiduka tumulus : the excavation report of an ancient burial mound in Shiga, Japan", Volume : "", seriesTitle : "", Series Number : "", creator : ["林, 博通","細川, 修平","畑中, 英二","大道, 和人","中村, 智孝","堀, 真人","辻川, 哲朗","山中, 由紀子","平井, 庄司","白井, 忠夫"], dc_creator : ["マキノ遺跡群調査団"], publisher : ["マキノ町教育委員会"], date/issued : "19980331", Publisher ID : "", ZIP CODE : "522-8533", TEL : "0749-28-8416", Aaddress : "滋賀県彦根市八坂町2800 滋賀県立大学人間文化学部林研究室内", Report Type : "埋蔵文化財(遺跡等)-発掘調査・分布調査・資料調査等", NII Type : "Research Paper", NCID : ["BA42604359"], JPNO : [], Other Resource : [], Remark : [], }