@Book{sitereport_22224, author = "新垣, 力 and 菅原, 広史 and 小橋川, 剛 and 片桐, 千亜紀 and 徳嶺, 里江 and 本村, 麻里衣 and 大城, 歩 and 天顔, 瑞笑 and 菅原, 広史 and 土肥, 直美 and 米田, 穣 and 大堀, 皓平 and 瑞慶覧, 長順 and 仲座, 久宜 and 上原, 靜", title = "紀要沖縄埋文研究", volume = "6", publisher = "沖縄県立埋蔵文化財センター", year = 2009, series = "", number = "", url = https://sitereports.nabunken.go.jp/22224, }