@Book{sitereport_12211, author = "井関, 弘太郎 and 西岡, 栄 and 牛川, 喜幸 and 藤, 則雄 and 川越, 俊一 and 細見, 啓三 and 岸, 郁男 and 宮久, 三千年 and 工楽, 善通 and 森, 光晴 and 黒崎, 直 and 八木, 繁一 and 沢田, 正昭 and 山本, 四郎", title = "古照遺跡発掘調査報告書", volume = "1", publisher = "松山市教育委員会", year = 1974, series = "松山市文化財調査報告書", number = "4", url = https://sitereports.nabunken.go.jp/12211, }