{ URL : "https://sitereports.nabunken.go.jp/113179", title : "草津川改修関連遺跡発掘調査概要報告書", transcription : "くさつがわ かいしゅう かんれん いせき はっくつ ちょうさ がいよう ほうこくしょ", Subtitle : "The report of the excavate of relation with the Kusatsuriver inprovement", Volume : "6", seriesTitle : "草津市文化財調査報告書", Series Number : "19", creator : ["草津市教育委員会社会教育課, "], dc_creator : ["草津市教育委員会社会教育課"], publisher : ["草津市教育委員会"], date/issued : "19920300", Publisher ID : "", ZIP CODE : "", TEL : "", Aaddress : "", Report Type : "埋蔵文化財(遺跡等)-発掘調査・分布調査・資料調査等", NII Type : "Research Paper", NCID : ["BN01728895"], JPNO : ["92048731"], Other Resource : [], Remark : ["The report of the excavate of relation with the Kusatsuriver inprovement"], }