奈良文化財研究所 ホーム
report count (with pdf)
37822 reports
( Participation 722 Orgs )
report count
132012 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 262 reports )
( Participation 1908 Orgs )
site summary count
146205 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 483 reports )
Article Collected
119352 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 234 reports )
video count
1212 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 23 reports )
( Participation 109 Orgs )
Event Collected
1064 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 9 reports )

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Participation-organizations大阪府 Publish Year1960 - 1964

( "keyhole tomb" OR 前方後円墳 )

Site Name・Site Name Transcription・Address・Address Transcription・Site Number
Subtitle : 高槻市郡家本町・郡家新町・清福寺町・川西町所在
Volume :
Series Number : 14
Author : 陳 顕明
Participation-organizations : 高槻市 - 大阪府
Publisher : 高槻市教育委員会
Publish Date : 19600526
Submit Date : 2010-07-14