奈良文化財研究所 ホーム
report count (with pdf)
37769 reports
( Participation 721 Orgs )
report count
131995 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 239 reports )
( Participation 1908 Orgs )
site summary count
146121 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 425 reports )
Article Collected
119332 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 214 reports )
video count
1212 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 23 reports )
( Participation 109 Orgs )
Event Collected
1063 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 8 reports )
Prefecture List > Nara Prefecture > 明日香村

Nara Prefecture - 明日香村 - Reports

Subtitle : 明日香村役場新庁舎建設及び明日香村中山間地域農村活性化総合整備事業に伴う調査
Volume :
Series Number : 18
Participation-organizations : 明日香村 - 奈良県
Publisher : 明日香村教育委員会文化財課
Publish Date : 20240325
Submit Date : 2024-04-17