{ URL : "https://sitereports.nabunken.go.jp/98657", title : "佐賀平野の阿蘇4火砕流と埋没林", transcription : "さがへいやのあそ4かさいりゅうとまいぼつりん", Subtitle : "平成5年度八藤遺跡発掘調査報告書", Volume : "", seriesTitle : "上峰町文化財調査報告書", Series Number : "11", creator : ["下山, 正一","西田, 民雄","渡辺, 一徳","谷口, 宏充","相原, 安津夫","光谷, 拓実","伊東, 隆夫","那須, 孝悌","宮武, 頼夫","鶴田, 浩二","原田, 大介","小松, 譲"], dc_creator : ["上峰町教育委員会"], publisher : ["上峰町教育委員会"], date/issued : "19940300", Publisher ID : "413453", ZIP CODE : "", TEL : "", Aaddress : "", Report Type : "埋蔵文化財(遺跡等)-発掘調査・分布調査・資料調査等", NII Type : "Research Paper", NCID : ["BN13758816"], JPNO : ["95051301"], Other Resource : [], Remark : ["The Aso-4 pyroclastic flow with buried forest in the Saga Plain"], }