{ URL : "https://sitereports.nabunken.go.jp/97646", title : "日向洞窟遺跡西地区出土石器群の研究", transcription : "ひなた どうくつ いせき にしちく しゅつど せっきぐん の けんきゅう", Subtitle : "縄文時代草創期の槍先形尖頭器を中心とする石器製作址の様相", Volume : "1", seriesTitle : "", Series Number : "", creator : ["佐川 正敏, "], dc_creator : ["佐川 正敏"], publisher : ["六一書房"], date/issued : "20061100", Publisher ID : "", ZIP CODE : "", TEL : "", Aaddress : "", Report Type : "", NII Type : "Research Paper", NCID : ["BA79729067"], JPNO : ["21157265"], Other Resource : [], Remark : ["Lithic assemblage from the western terrace of the Hinata caves : spear point workshop in the incipient Jomon"], }