{ URL : "https://sitereports.nabunken.go.jp/84158", title : "山家地区史跡整備調査報告", transcription : "やまえ ちく しせき せいび ちょうさ ほうこく", Subtitle : "山家宿史跡整備調査報告", Volume : "1", seriesTitle : "筑紫野市文化財調査報告書", Series Number : "65", creator : ["筑紫野市教育委員会, "], dc_creator : ["筑紫野市教育委員会"], publisher : ["筑紫野市教育委員会"], date/issued : "20010300", Publisher ID : "", ZIP CODE : "", TEL : "", Aaddress : "", Report Type : "史跡-修理・整備", NII Type : "Research Paper", NCID : ["BA58404199"], JPNO : ["20303161"], Other Resource : [], Remark : ["Documentation on the surveying and maintenance on the historical site of Yamae-shuku post town (part 1) : report on the surveying of the cultural property of Chikushino-shi"], }