@Book{sitereport_57505, author = "柳田, 康雄 and 森田, 勉 and 木下, 修 and 小池, 史哲 and 桜井, 康治 and 川村, 博 and 荒武, 麗子 and 児玉, 真一 and 新原, 正典 and 馬田, 弘稔 and 池辺, 元明 and 立石, 雅文 and 片岡, 宏二 and 副島, 邦弘 and 丸山, 康晴 and 宮崎, 貴夫 and 橋口, 達也", title = "三雲遺跡", volume = "4", publisher = "福岡県教育委員会", year = 1983, series = "福岡県文化財調査報告書", number = "65", url = https://sitereports.nabunken.go.jp/57505, }