{ URL : "https://sitereports.nabunken.go.jp/16706", title : "Paradise and gardens in Eastern Asia : final report of the International Expert Meeting on Paradise and Garden in Eastern Asia", transcription : "Paradise and gardens in Eastern Asia : final report of the International Expert Meeting on Paradise and Garden in Eastern Asia", Subtitle : "", Volume : "", seriesTitle : "", Series Number : "", creator : ["MOTONAKA, Makoto","LU, Zhou","HONG, Kwang-Pyo","TANAKA, Tan","SUGIMOTO, Hiroshi","SATO, Yoshihiro","ONO, Kenkichi","AMASAKI, Hiromasa","NAKA, Takahiro","HIRASAWA, Tsuyoshi"], dc_creator : ["Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties : Agency for Cultural Affairs"], publisher : ["Department of Cultural Heritage, Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties"], date/issued : "20091130", Publisher ID : "", ZIP CODE : "630-8577", TEL : "81742306710", Aaddress : "2-9-1, Nijo-cho, Nara city, Nara Pref. 630-8577, Japan", Report Type : "other", NII Type : "Research Paper", NCID : ["BB0054877X"], JPNO : ["21762806"], Other Resource : [], Remark : ["東アジアにおける理想郷と庭園 英語版"], }