@Book{sitereport_131490, author = "松山, 敬一朗 and 宗䑓, 富貴子 and 土屋, 浩美 and 齊木, 秀雄 and 熊谷, 満 and 野本, 賢二 and 若松, 美智子 and 田村, 良照 and 大河内, 勉 and 伊丹, まどか and 汐見, 一夫 and 岡, 陽一郎 and 福田, 誠 and 菊川, 泉 and 神山, 晶子", title = "鎌倉市埋蔵文化財緊急調査報告書", volume = "15(第2分冊)", publisher = "鎌倉市教育委員会", year = 1999, series = "", number = "", url = https://sitereports.nabunken.go.jp/131490, }