@Book{sitereport_130238, author = "井口, 信久 and 池上, 悟 and 石森, 光 and 大久根, 茂 and 岡田, 賢治 and 小久保, 徹 and 清水, 理史 and 田中, 敦子 and 平野, 寛之 and 広瀬, 和雄 and 藤田, 健一 and 牧野, 彰吾 and 宮瀧, 交二 and 山田, 雄正", title = "山王塚古墳 総括報告書", volume = "", publisher = "川越市教育委員会", year = 2019, series = "", number = "", url = https://sitereports.nabunken.go.jp/130238, }