{ URL : "https://sitereports.nabunken.go.jp/128397", title : "「北東日報」「釧路新聞」掲載アイヌ関係記事(1901~1942年) ", transcription : "ほくとう にっぽう くしろ しんぶん けいさい あいぬ かんけい きじ 1901〜1942ねん ", Subtitle : "目録と紹介", Volume : "", seriesTitle : "北海道立アイヌ民族文化研究センター調査研究報告書", Series Number : "6", creator : ["北海道立アイヌ民族文化研究センター, "], dc_creator : ["小川 正人"], publisher : ["北海道立アイヌ民族文化研究センター"], date/issued : "20100325", Publisher ID : "", ZIP CODE : "", TEL : "", Aaddress : "", Report Type : "annual", NII Type : "Research Paper", NCID : ["BB01663933","BA71457564"], JPNO : ["21818275"], Other Resource : [], Remark : ["Headlines and contents of Ainu-related articles from the Hokuto Nippou and the Kushiro Shinbun (newspapers issued in the Kushiro area in east part of Hokkaido), 1901-1942"], }