@Book{sitereport_7194, author = "萩原, 三雄 and 村石, 眞澄 and 閏間, 俊明 and 秋山, 圭子 and 山下, 孝司 and 八巻, 與志夫 and 伊藤, 正彦 and 新津, 健 and 畑, 大介 and 笹本, 正治 and 八巻, 與志夫 and 大木, 丈夫 and 室伏, 徹 and 杉本, 充 and 佐々木, 満 and 影山, 正美", title = "白山城の総合研究", volume = "", publisher = "韮崎市教育委員会", year = 1999, series = "", number = "", url = https://sitereports.nabunken.go.jp/7194, }