奈良文化財研究所 ホーム
report count (with pdf)
39647 reports
( Participation 735 Orgs )
report count
132251 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 946 reports )
( Participation 1911 Orgs )
site summary count
146963 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 1487 reports )
Article Collected
119876 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 804 reports )
video count
1230 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 41 reports )
( Participation 110 Orgs )
Event Collected
1121 reports
( compared to the privious fiscal year + 69 reports )

Fukuoka Prefecture - 桂川町 - Reports

Subtitle : 福岡県嘉穂郡桂川町大字豆田所在前方後円墳の調査
Volume :
Series Number : 22
Participation-organizations : 桂川町 - 福岡県
Publisher : 桂川町教育委員会
Publish Date : 20240326
Submit Date : 2024-04-27
Subtitle : 県道豆田稲築線改良工事に伴う発掘調査報告
Volume :
Series Number : 21
Participation-organizations : 桂川町 - 福岡県
Publisher : 桂川町教育委員会
Publish Date : 20200228
Submit Date : 2024-04-28